Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Shopping Smart

Please take a moment and answer the three question survey on Shopping Smart.
 Thank you!

# 13Twitter

In looking over my list of 23 things I realized I hadn't spent much time on #13 Twitter. I wasn't able to pull up the video from youtube so I researched Twitter and here are a few things I learned:
  • Twitter is an online social networking service that enable users to send and read text-based posts of up to 140 characers, known as "tweets".
  • Influential people said to be using this social networking tool are Barack Obama, Oprah Winfrey, Lady Gaga and Ashton Kutcher.
  • Twitter has been used for a variety of purposes; it has been used to organize protests, sometimes referred to as "Twitter Revolutions", which include the 2011 Egyptian revolution Iranian election protest, and 2009 Moldova civil unrest.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Biker MOM

I never imagined weather would permit a bike ride on New Years Day. What a blast and what a great way to start a new year!!

How to remove "set-in" ink stain

And here's the response......

Thanks for asking about how to remove a "set-in" ink stain out of clothing. This was an interesting question to search - I'm happy to have the answer, myself!

From what I could find, it seems that there are a number of different ways to approach the removal of ink stains, depending on your interest, materials at hand, and the fabric that is stained. Set-in stains are much harder to remove than fresh stains, so most of the resources I found addressed both situations - but all recommended addressing the fresh stain as soon as possible.

I first tried searching " "set-in" ink stain removal" on Google:


After a bit of searching through various "ask-me" sites, I found a resource that I really liked - a professional cleaning company in Redmond, WA that has a website full of information about cleaning at home. I think you can trust them because they are a professional cleaning company claiming 35 years experience, and they have a long list of suggestions consistent with other sources I found. I especially liked that this company, Mrs.
Clean, includes both traditional cleaners as well as suggestions for environmentally-friendly cleaners and products. The website for removing ink stains can be found here:


This link is quite long and could break, so here is a shortened version for your convenience.


I don't know what your particular situation is, but this website addresses a number of options for different fabrics and cleansers. In general, they suggest using an oil-based cleanser to break up the stain and lift it out of the fabric. They also suggest saturating the stain in rubbing alcohol, then rubbing it gently with dish soap to break up the stain before washing it like normal. They also recommend using toothpaste! (This was a big surprise to me - but I've actually tried it, and it works!)

At the end of this webpage, they also address difficult set-in stains, recommending hair spray or nail polish remover. I would read their instructions carefully for the process, but it is similar to the other removal processes: apply the remover lightly, rub the stain gently to break up and lift out the stain, apply a bit more remover if necessary, and wash as usual. I would definitely recommend reading this webpage carefully.

As I searched more, I went back to my google search and found a publication from the Iowa State University Extension School. I think you can trust this source because it is officially published by the Iowa State University. This publication is in pdf form and can be accessed here:


The publication includes a wide range of stain removal tips, covering ink stains on clothing, as well as other kinds of stains on other fabrics and textiles from carpet to upholstery. I found this compilation to be very useful in understanding stain removal. This source also includes more information on commercial and chemical stain removers, if that is of interest to you, as well as an index of stains at the end of the document.

After these resources, I was feeling more confident in understanding stain removal, but I'm still unsure of what exactly to do in the process of removal. I went back to Google and searched for "ink stain removal videos." I found many different videos showing the process of ink stain removal. Here is the first, but if you google "ink stain removal video" you will see a plethora of options.


For all of these resources, I went to Google and searched " "set in" ink stain removal" or "ink stain removal videos."

I hope this information will help you remove your ink stains!
Please let us know if you have any further questions.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Web Reference Service

I'm waiting on a response to:
How do you remove a set in ink stain from clothing?
I'll let you know the answer once the Internet Public librarian responds.

Discovering the Deep Web:


About Infomine
INFOMINE is a unique Web resource featuring well organized access to important university level research and educational tools on the Internet

I'd never heard of Infomine before. I was very impressed with all the information you can find on just about any subject you can come up with. I spent some time looking up information on Arthritis and was amazed at the detailed information found on infomine. Infomine is a great resource for digging deeper into a subject!

Friday, June 3, 2011

It's kind of FUN....

to do the impossible.
                              ~Walt Disney

Off to Switzerland (Little)

Finally made it to Switzerland! At least North Carolina Switzerland! A quaint little town with spectacular views! Little Switzerland made Rustburg look "big"! However you must add this destinaton to your bucket list.